Billy Buttons | Drumsticks
Craspedia globosa
Billy Buttons are a perennial plant that belongs to the daisy family. Its greatest attribute is that its stunning yellow ball flower is an excellent cut flower that dries well, maintains its colour and is long lasting, particularly if kept away from direct sunlight. The clumps of silvery leaves can spread to 50cm x 50cm, and the tall flower stems can sometimes reach nearly 1m.
It is a popular floristry flower and has been grown as a cut flower crop in America and Europe for many years. The botanical name for Billy Buttons has been changed to Pycnosorus globosus and it can be found under both of these names. Its natural habitat ranges from dry forest to grassland and alpine regions and grows in low lying heavy soils. It grows in all states except Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Tasmania.
Growing Conditions
Billy Buttons grow best in the garden in moist well-drained soil conditions. Mulching will help maintain moisture in the soil over summer and keep the roots cool. The plants can be quite drought tolerant once well established. Grown in full sun they will flower at their best, but they will also happily grow in areas with some shade or filtered light.